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Category: Sony Vegas
Description: Error Reporting Minidump file creator
File size: 22.34 Kb
File date: 03.01.2011 08:59
File version: Version 1.0 (Build 4510)
Internal name: CreateMinidump.exe
Original file name: CreateMinidump.exe
Product name: Sony Creative Software Error Reporting Client
Product version: Version 1.0 (Build 4510)
Company name: Sony Creative Software Inc.
Virus scan:

How to install createminidumpx86.exe:

Copy file createminidumpx86.exe to the installation directory of the program that is requesting createminidumpx86.exe.
If that doesn't work, you will have to copy createminidumpx86.exe to your system directory. By default, this is:
Windows 95/98/Me - C:\Windows\System
Windows NT/2000 - C:\WINNT\System32
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 10 - C:\Windows\System32
If you use a 64-bit version of Windows, you should also copy createminidumpx86.exe to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Make a backup copy of the original files
Overwrite any existing files
Reboot your computer.
If the problem still occurs, try the following:
Open Windows Start menu and select "Run...".
Type CMD and press Enter (or if you use Windows ME, type COMMAND)
Type regsvr32 createminidumpx86.exe and press Enter.

If you can't find windows directory try the following:
Open Windows Start menu and select "Run...".
Type CMD and press Enter (or if you use Windows ME, type COMMAND)
Type %WINDIR% and press Enter.

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